Payment Methods

We accept

bKash/Nagad Payment

Charge Applicable

bKash/Nagad Agent: 01712792863, Cash Out from Personal bKash.

Set our bKash agent number as your favorite agent to reduce cash out costs.

To know how to set bKash favorite agent, click on the following link and watch the videos.

Online Payment

2.5% Charge Applicable

Click on the below button to make online payment through debit / credit card, mobile banking or internet banking:

Bank Transfer

Bank Name: Eastern Bank Limited
Branch: Mirpur Branch
Account Title: Cyber 32
Account No: 1071070366337
Routing No: 095262987

Bank Name: Dutch Bangla Bank Limited
Branch: Mirpur Circle-10 Branch
Account Title: Cyber 32
Account No: 1641100042219
Routing No: 090263136

Cash Payment

You can pay us directly in cash.

Kindly contact us after payment.
